University courses in 2 years to prepare to work in Finance and in Management Control
The master courses, which combine theoretical and practical teaching taught by specialists teacher-researchers and professionals in the sector, prepare students to take on positions of responsibility, to work as executives and experts in finance, management control, audit, financial analysis and portfolio management...
A common first year allowing students, regardless of their academic background, to acquire solid skills in market finance, corporate finance and management control.
A program to further professionalization...
- Compulsory internships in the 1st and 2nd years
- Sandwich courses (professional contracts) in the 1st and 2nd years
- Possibility of a gap year between the Master 1 and the Master 2...
Innovative teaching tools...
- Teaching areas on the new ARTEM Campus
- Use of econometric software and professional software packages
- Preparation for professional certifications
- Management simulation and case studies
- Use of professional databases
- E-learning facilities and multimedia rooms...
An international outlook...
- Possibility of a semester abroad in a partner university
- Possibility of internships abroad
- Conferences and some courses taught in English...
INITIAL TRAINING: holders of a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in Management, Economics or equivalent
CONTINUING EDUCATION: working professionals or those covered by the Validation of Acquired Knowledge.OPPORTUNITIES
At the end of the first year of the Master in Finance, most students continue to study to specialise in Financial Analysis and Asset Management, in Corporate Finance, or in teaching in finance and accounting. It is also possible to start a doctorate.
This course is unique with an employment rate of 95% of young graduates who work as executives in management control, auditing or accounting and financial control. They also work as financial resources managers or financial advisors or directors.
The Master in Finance is a 2-year program. The first year is common to both specialisations.The different classes in M1 should provide all students within the Master in Finance a common solid and basic training (theoretical and technical) in finance, accounting and auditing, enabling them to evolve in all financial or accounting fields within companies or banks. Even if it already provides a specialisation in banking, finance and management control in companies, or in market finance, it allows, at the end of the M1, a reorientation towards any M2 in the same field. It also gives an introduction to research.
The Master 2 offers two specialisations:
- Corporate Control and Finance
Students can join a company or professional organisation during their training, via the following professionalization arrangements:
- The apprenticeship agreement, IAE Nancy is a partner of the CFA of the University of Lorraine
- The professionalization contract
- Internship- Financial Analysis and Asset Management
Candidates are selected on their academic file and through a potential interview. The board of examiners makes the final decision about the admission.
The first year of the Master's degree is open to students with a bachelor's degree (primarily in Management, Economics or equivalent).
The submission of applications are fully online via “the e-candidat” platform (IAE Nancy’s website).
CONTINUING EDUCATION: application + interview for working professionals or those covered by the Validation of Professional and Personal Experience (VAPP - law 1985) or the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).
Code RNCP : 35913
Code CPF : 309301
University courses in 2 years to prepare to work in Finance and in Management Control
The master courses, which combine theoretical and practical teaching taught by specialists teacher-researchers and professionals in the sector, prepare students to take on positions of responsibility, to work as executives and experts in finance, management control, audit, financial analysis and portfolio management...
A specialised second year ensures that students have a particularly high rate of professional integration into jobs, in accordance with their specialisations.
INITIAL TRAINING: holders of a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in Management, Economics or equivalent
CONTINUING EDUCATION: working professionals or those covered by the Validation of Acquired Knowledge.OPPORTUNITIES
Corporate Control and Finance: This master's degree prepares students for executive positions in finance, requiring a high level of specialisation in management control and financial management, in the financial departments of industrial groups, firms, banks or public institutions, including...
- Assistant Financial Director
- Management Controller
- Financial Controller
- Auditor
- Corporate Treasurer
- Credit Manager
- Information system consultant
- Financial Director (...)
Financial Analysis and Asset Management: This master's degree prepares students for management positions in finance requiring a high level of specialisation in financial analysis and portfolio management, in financial and banking institutions, management companies, audit or consultancy firms or within financial management, including...
- Financial analyst (market, risk, credit, funds)
- Risk manager
- Business valuator
- Financial auditor
- Buy side analyst / Sell side analyst
- Portfolio manager
- Investment fund manager (...)
A specialisation in the second year of the Master's programme, open to initial training, continuing education and sandwich courses from the beginning of September to the end of August.
The Master 2 offers two specialisations:
- Corporate Control and Finance
Students can join a company or professional organisation during their training, via the following professionalization arrangements:
- The apprenticeship agreement, IAE Nancy is a partner of the CFA of the University of Lorraine
- The professionalization contract
- Internship- Financial Analysis and Asset Management
- Start of the school year in early September.
- A dedicated period of teaching at the beginning of the semester, followed by a rhythm of 2.5 days per week (Thursday to Saturday morning)
- a compulsory long-term internship or a professionalization contract (3 days in a company from October, then full-time from mid-March)
- 346 hours in the second year for each of the specialisations
Each semester, students sit exams in the form of continuous assessment and/or a final exam.
This master’s degree is based on a judicious combination of theoretical and practical teaching provided by teacher-researchers and professionals. It enables students to strengthen their knowledge and practices in order to work as financial experts in the fields of financial analysis and fund management thanks to the specialisation in Financial Analysis and Asset Management and as financial controllers and financial directors thanks to the specialisation in Control and Corporate Finance specialisation.
The Master 2 is open to students from the Master 1 in Finance and Control of the IAE Nancy
Students from other schools can also apply via an academic file and an individual interview (if they are selected) or via the e-candidat platform (see IAE Nancy’s website).
CONTINUING EDUCATION: application + interview for working professionals or those covered by the Validation of Professional and Personal Experience (VAPP - law 1985) or the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).
Code RNCP : 35913
Code CPF : 309301

Need more information
about this degree or the application ?
IAE NANCY Student Department / Students Services
Ms. Nassima BEL HADRI
Head of Department
tel : + 33 (0)3 72 74 16 44
IAE NANCY School of Management
13 rue Michel Ney
BP 90862
F-54011 NANCY Cedex